How it all started...
Mrs. Pennington: "Hey! I want my class to partner with your class!"
Mrs. Hinton: "Let's start a coffee cart!"
...and the rest is history
EGCC was started to help with the integration and partnership of students with disabilities and typical peers. The goal is to teach basic skills that will benefit everyone in life.
Typically developing students will be able to see that just because someone may look or act different, they can still do everything in life, just with modifications!
EGCC makes sure that everyone has a job. Whether you are stocking supplies, stamping the logo, making or delivering coffee, writing articles for our newspaper, or updating our menu and website, your job matters!
Medium Roast Coffee
Lipton Hot Tea
Coffee with Hot Chocolate
Swiss Miss Hot Chocolate
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Empowering Student Success
Providing each student the tools, support & encouragement needed to be successful and reach their fullest potential!
Teaching the Importance of Team Work
Providing each student the ability to be a part of this program and learning the responsibility of team-work.
Creating a Supportive Environment
EGCC is a place where students feel safe, valued, and encouraged to take risks in their learning environment, with every mindset!
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